Who We Are

Our story

There is a demand for Vendor Security Questionnaire (aka VSQ) support whether or not someone believes VSQs are an effective practice. 

Repliance came into existence to fill gaps that exist in the VSQ space. We aim to offer our clients complete VSQ service support, not just a product their team needs to utilize. We aim to offer VSQ responses based on human-validated evidence to avoid incorrect ML correlations/hallucinations.

Our team fully understands that VSQs are just one component of the most critical aspects of every business. We want to support ongoing conversations about trends present in VSQs that relate to your company, including informing sales enablement, infrastructure development, and risk management. 

Underneath the VSQ hood, there is a magnitude of knowledge gathered for each client, and our superpower is the ability to transform that knowledge into insights.

Why VSQs?

Repliance seeks to build a comprehensive understanding of your company's environment and operations, and use that basis of understanding to translate that into appropriate (and up-to-date) answers for VSQs. VSQs are the "hair on fire" problems our clients are faced with. We help stem the tide so-to-speak.

From that primary source of knowledge, we utilize our expertise and technical systems to transform that knowledge into additional insights that can be used to help show where Sales enablement could benefit from additional investment, where gaps in policy or operations may impact the company, and provide assistance in tracking growth and maturity of operations over time.

Our mission

The importance of customer-facing security programs is often overlooked. How a client responds to vendor security reviews is as important as the reviews they conduct on their own vendors. It's bi-directional for all B2B companies. A client's customer-facing security program can reflect the company's security posture and revenue growth, leading to their overall success.

Repliance aims to support that success for all of its clients.

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