What We Do

Repliance answers security questionnaires so you don't have to!

You hand us a VSQ, we make sure there are timely, high-quality answers, returned in whatever format received. We proactively establish a VSQ knowledge base with information available, and update it on an ongoing basis. We customize answers to show the unique strengths of your infrastructure & product, at the level of transparency appropriate for a given customer.

Internal tools are used to improve efficiency, but answers are justified by human-validated evidence, to avoid incorrect ML correlations/hallucinations. Because Repliance has humans-in-the loop, we are very flexible. We can operate within your pre-existing processes or can customize how we work together to meet your needs.

We use human expertise to provide vetted, consistent answers on your behalf:

  • We can defend any answers we give.
  • Humans validate the structure and scope of VSQs, as opposed to using an API with pre-defined assumptions about parameters and scope of questions.
  • We customize answers as needed to be appropriate to the framing of the questionnaire.
  • You will never get an answer blindly generated from an ML model.

We haven’t built our product to support a specific company type or use case; we are an expert concierge service, customized to support how your company wants to handle VSQs to maximize the benefits of that work across your company.

We want to support ongoing conversations about trends present in VSQs that relate to your company, including informing sales enablement, infrastructure development, and risk management.

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